CLIPCLOP - Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP does pretty much what DOG does but to the clipboard.
Clip copies the contents of a file to the clipboard.
Clop displays the contents of the clipboard on the console.
Example: Run Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP from the console.
First the CLIP-function to list matching files.
Then do the clipping.
Last the CLOP-function.
Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP can be downloaded in zipped format: (less than 20 kB)
NAME Per Erik Strandberg's ClipClop See for updates and other releases. Per Erik Strandberg's ClipClop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. see SYNOPSIS ClipClop Clop or ClipClop Clip [/R]? [/I]? [/N]? [/S]? [/L]? [[[DRIVE:]?[PATH]]?[WILDCARD]]* SWITCHES Clip - Copies contents of files to clipboard - think Ctrl-C. Clop - Pastes contents of clipboard to standard out (for example the console) - think Ctrl-V. R - Enables recursive search. I - Shows line numbers on output. N - Displays the name of the files on a separating row. S - Print a separator between files. L - List only (only to console). [[DRIVE:]?[PATH]]? DRIVE: - For example C: or A: PATH - For example \temp\c-code [WILDCARD] One or more wildcards - patterns to match files. NOTE All switches must come before [WILDCARD]+ Switches are case insensitive. Switches can be started with - instead of /. Note that files may start with a - but not with a /.
I guess CLIPCLOP requires MONO or Microsoft .NET.