www.pererikstrandberg.se, , idag firar vi:

CLIPCLOP - Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V

Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP does pretty much what DOG does but to the clipboard.

Clip copies the contents of a file to the clipboard.

Clop displays the contents of the clipboard on the console.

Example: Run Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP from the console.
First the CLIP-function to list matching files.
Then do the clipping.
Last the CLOP-function. CLIPCLOP screenshot.


Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP can be downloaded in zipped format: clipclop.zip (less than 20 kB)


  Per Erik Strandberg's ClipClop

  See http://www.pererikstrandberg.se/projects for
  updates and other releases.

  Per Erik Strandberg's ClipClop is licensed under a
  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License.
  see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/

  ClipClop Clop
  ClipClop Clip [/R]? [/I]? [/N]? [/S]? [/L]? [[[DRIVE:]?[PATH]]?[WILDCARD]]*

  Clip  - Copies contents of files to clipboard - think Ctrl-C.

  Clop  - Pastes contents of clipboard to standard out
          (for example the console) - think Ctrl-V.

  R - Enables recursive search.

  I - Shows line numbers on output.

  N - Displays the name of the files on a separating row.

  S - Print a separator between files.

  L - List only (only to console).

  DRIVE: - For example C: or A:

  PATH   - For example \temp\c-code

  One or more wildcards - patterns to match files.

  All switches must come before [WILDCARD]+

  Switches are case insensitive.

  Switches can be started with - instead of /.

  Note that files may start with a - but not with a /.


I guess CLIPCLOP requires MONO or Microsoft .NET.

Some rights reserved

Creative Commons License

Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

If you want to use CLIPCLOP under another license than the above, contact me (per at pererikstrandberg dot se) to to negotiate terms.


Per Erik Strandberg's CLIPCLOP can be downloaded in zipped format: clipclop.zip (less than 20 kB)