www.pererikstrandberg.se, , idag firar vi:

(logical) DRIVES

Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES displays the name of all connected logical drives.

Example: Run Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES from the console. First without a USB-connected portable memory stick. Then with one connected. Finally display usage-help. DRIVES screenshot.

Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES is released to the public domain, see a Wikipedia article about Public Domain.


Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES can be downloaded in zipped format: drives.zip (less than 20 kB)


  Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES

  See http://www.pererikstrandberg.se/projects for
  updates and other releases.

  Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES is donated to the public
  domain as of 20070211.

  drives [HELP]?

  If any argument is pased to DRIVES this help is printed.
  (In order to use Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES: do not
  use any arguments).

  Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES has, besides this documentation
  two lines of relevant code:

    foreach (string drives in System.IO.Directory.GetLogicalDrives())
      Console.Write(drives + " ");        

No rights reserved

Public Domain:

Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES is released the the public domain.


Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES can be downloaded in zipped format: drives.zip (less than 20 kB)