www.pererikstrandberg.se, , idag firar vi:

FileFetcher (aka: FF).

Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher (aka: FF) (aka: Sniffer) searches for files and lists them on the Console.

Step One: Run Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher from the console using a wildcard to search this folder and all sibling-folders (..\*\) for files matching *la*.txt.

Step Two: Run Per Erik Strandberg's FF using an absolute path to scan for folders containing a c looking for *.c-files (C:\temp\*c*\*.c).

Step Three: Run Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher using the /R switch to scan recursively for *.c-files.
Per Erik Strandbergs FileFetcher.


Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher (aka FF) (aka Sniffer) can be downloaded in zipped format: ff.zip (less than 6 kB)


  Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher (aka: FF) (aka: Sniffer)

  See http://www.pererikstrandberg.se/projects for
  updates and other releases.

  Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher is licensed under a
  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License.
  see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/

  FileFetcher [/R]? [[[DRIVE:]?[PATH]]?[WILDCARD]]*

  R      - Enbles recursive search

  DRIVE: - For example C: or A:

  PATH   - For example \temp\c-code

  One or more wildcards - patterns to match files.

  All switches must come before [WILDCARD]+

  Switches are case insensitive.

  Switches can be started with - instead of /.

  Note that files may start with a - but not with a /.

  ff *.txt
    Finds and lists all files in the current folder matching
    the pattern '*.txt'.

  ff /R *.txt
    Finds and lists all files matching the pattern '*.txt' in
    the current folder and in all subfolders.

  ff C:\temp\a*.bat
    Finds and lists all files in the folder 'C:\temp\'
    matching the pattern 'a*.bat'.

  ff *.txt C:\temp\a*.bat
    Finds and lists all files in the current folder matching
    the pattern '*.txt' and all files in the folder
    'C:\temp\' matching the pattern 'a*.bat'.

  ff /R C:\temp\a*.bat
    Finds and lists all files matching the pattern 'a*.bat' in
    the folder 'C:\temp\' and in all subfolders.

  ff ..\*\*.txt
    Finds and lists all files in this and any sibling folder
    matching the pattern '*.txt'.

Source code

Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher is written in C#. If you would like the source code please contact me (per at pererikstrandberg dot se) to to negotiate terms.


All you need is (the free) Microsoft .NET 2.0 platform.


If you use Cygwin, Unix or GNU/Linux the built-in command ls is probably more suitable than Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher.

Some rights reserved

Creative Commons License

Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

If you want to use FileFetcher under another license than the above, contact me (per at pererikstrandberg dot se) to to negotiate terms.


Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher (aka FF) (aka Sniffer) can be downloaded in zipped format: ff.zip (less than 6 kB)