www.pererikstrandberg.se, , idag firar vi:

Mina Projekt

This page mixes swedish and english.

Denna sida mixar svenska och engelska.

The FileFetcher Family: FileFetcher, totrash, DOG and ClipClop

Per Erik Strandberg's FILEFETCHER is a miniature application that lets you perform advanced wildcard searches from the console (A little like ls). Per Erik Strandberg's FileFetcher.

Have you ever wanted a seamless integration of windows Recycle Bin and your DOS-console? I wanted one, and it didn't seem trivial to make it - but here it is: Per Erik Strandberg's toTrash.

Have you ever missed some features of the [GNU|UNIX|Linux|Microsoft] command [cat|find|more|less|type]? Well I have! I am proud to present Per Erik Strandberg's DOG: the cat-killer.

I wanted to know if you could copy the contents of a file to the clipboard. It's quite easy. ClipClop can both copy and paste [:)] I present to you Per Erik Strandberg's ClipClop.

console apps: Programs - Fibonacci, totrash, DOG

Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES is a miniature application that dislays the connected logical drives on your console. Per Erik Strandberg's DRIVES.

Per Erik Strandberg's TICKTOCK is a miniature application that dislays the time that has passed since you last tick'ed. Per Erik Strandberg's TICKTOCK.

Per Erik Strandberg's PIP creates a beep at almost any frequency for as long as you want it. Per Erik Strandberg's PIP.

Per Erik Strandberg's BEEPBOP is PIP for advanced users: beep in Morse Code! Per Erik Strandberg's BEEPBOP.

Att jag är en inbiten nörd kanske du redan insett. Att jag hackar Fibonacci kanske du inte visste: Per Erik Strandberg's FibLib.

Images Pictures - Photo, Icon

Naturbilder: Min stora stolthet just nu är mina naturbilder www.kåda.se.

Icons: I have started working on a set of Icons, I call the set: IconLib.

Reports Rapporter - Matte, exjobb etc

Mitt specialarbete på gymnasiet var faktiskt riktigt bra - är fortfarande lite stolt över det, så jag vill digitalisera det. Kägelsnitt eller koniska sektioner - ett specialarbete av Per Erik Strandberg. (Berätta inte för någon bara att originalet är från 1998...)

Några rapporter från lite kurser:

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Creative Commons License

Svenska: Dessa verk är licensierat under en Creative Commons Erkännande-Ickekommersiell-Inga bearbetningar 2.5 Sverige Licens.

English: These works is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.